Wednesday, 18 February 2009

New Pet

To help my son get over his surgery I bought a new pet. Oh no, this one is made of plastic, some computer chips, sensors and engines.

His name is PLEO.

Now we have following Robots at home:

The Lego and Pleo are programmable, hope I will have some time to do some Pleo programming,….

But, there are still two Robots I want to have –
I-Sobot seems to be the über cool gadget and Rovio as the watchdog for my home :-)

My son’s first surgery

Last Friday my son had his first surgery, the Tonsils have been removed.

As he had to fast, I stayed up one hour earlier as he, to have my coffee. At 7 am we where at the St. Anna Kinderspital. To make it short – I hope that I do not need to accompany my son again. It was horrible to see him fade away and it was even more shocking to see him come out from anaesthesia.

We could leave the hospital in the early afternoon.

Now it’s history. Thanks!